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Associate professor of French Language, Literature and Civilization at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), as well as a translator and conference interpreter. She holds a PhD in French Letters from Université Lumière Lyon-2 (France).

Professor Ventura is a Lindolenex research group member. She collaborates, as external assessor, with the scientific committee of two peer-reviewed journals, Cahiers de Praxématique and Çédille, Revista de estudios franceses. She is also member of the editorial board of LFE Revista de Lenguas para fines específicos.​

Professor Ventura is also an active member of the Graduate School of Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (DELLCOS), where she serves as advisor of two lines of research:  linguistics and society and literature and literary translation within a sociocultural context.



Professor Ventura's research focuses on four main domains:


She works on the language process of learning. She has explored the interlocks between the French “gérondif” and the Spanish “gerundio” as well as its morphology, syntax, and pragmatics. Her study has prompted the publication of two papers titled: "La représentation du gérondif espagnol en français: une approche contrastive pour éviter les erreurs d’apprentissage en FLE" (Çedille, 2014) and "Le gérondif espagnol et son homonyme français" (Thélème, 2015). Her last publication focuses on French perception verbs and has been recently published under the title "L’emploi de en train de avec les verbes de perception dans l’audiovisuel : calque de l’anglais ou tendance à la grammaticalisation ?" (Information Grammaticale, 2017).


She is interested in the analysis of implicit messages in communication, which has led her to join Lindolenex research group. She has collaborated as an author with others members of Lindolenex that resulted in the publication of two books, Del Razonamiento a la Argumentación. Teoría y práctica de las destrezas discursivas en la nueva sociedad del conocimiento (Peter Lang, 2012), and The Essential Enthymeme. Propositions for Educating Students in a Modern World (Peter Lang, 2015). She has contributed with a chapter for each book that focus on the analysis of the natural inference (the enthymeme) in advertising: "Técnicas argumentativas en el discurso publicitario" (chapter 7, 2012), and "The Process of Reasoning in Advertising" (chapter 8, 2015). Moreover, she has studied this device at a linguistic, rhetorical, and literary level in detective stories, and co-written a chapter with Professor Jorge Juan Vega y Vega titled "The Enthymeme in Detective Novels" (chapter 10, 2015). Her last publication in this field is the journal article, co-authored with J. Vega y Vega, titled: "Le dit et le vouloir taire dans la publicité de produits dits ‘sensibles’" (Dire, 2017).


Her work has delved in the translation of advertising texts in different languages (French, Italian, Spanish, English, and German). She has studied the argumentative specificities of advertising texts (mainly in French-Spanish translation) in order to discuss translation problems, and suggest prospective solutions. On translation theory, she has published “De la conception utilitaire de la langue en traduction” (Çédille, 2012). She has also worked on literary translations and published “La fortuna de las traducciones de la novela corta española en la literatura del siglo XVII” (in El español, lengua de cultura, lengua de traducción. Aspectos teóricos, metodológicos y profesionales, 2005). Furthermore, she is particularly interested in adversiting translation. Her investigation led to two papers: "Présent et futur de la traduction publicitaire: entre eikôs et pathos" (Meta, 2009) and "La place de la rhétorique dans l’opération traduisante de la publicité" (TTR, 2014).


As a French Letters scholar, she is particularly interested in Renaissance literature. She has published several essays, among which it is highlighted “Un apport espagnol à la théorie du genre de la nouvelle” (RHR,1999). She has also written a mongraph titled Fiction et vérité chez les conteurs de la Renaissance en France, Espagne et Italie (Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 2002). On the same topic, she has also published an essay titled “Hacia una teoría definitiva de la novela corta: Un género que antaño llamaban cuento” (Transitions, 2008). Her last publication is "Atouts et enjeux du cinéma dans l’enseignement de la littérature" (Dialogues et cultures, 2016).

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